B2B solution for your Pins and Discussions on the map  
Reach out to us

We offer Trafa technology as B2B solution for Businesses and Governments. Empower your Citizen Engagement. Contact us!

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b2b 1 feature

Digitize your city or municipality

Pins on the map with direct discussions about city infrastructure issues.

Digitize your citizen dialogue and save costs on traditional channels like phone or email.

b2b 2 feature

Simple and clear

Easy and understandable solution for people of all ages.

b2b 3 feature

White label solution

Customize the B2B version of Trafa for your needs. Set categories you need and designate superusers to manage the entries.

Upon request we also provide an API to Google Docs or your cloud solutions to track the entries in other systems.

ease of use
Ease of use

Trafa offers an easy ready to use solution to roll out in your city or municipality.

We do all the updates and maintenance. No headache for you.

Multilanguage Support
User customizable

Change language of the App and the Map. Any language can be set and App can be used worldwide.

User can choose from 9 map styles with dark and bright modes, satellite imagery and traffic.

Direct feedback
Direct feedback

Citizens engage with each other with likes/dislikes and comments.

You see which threads are trending and are hot topics currently in the community.

Some things are solved by the community, without engaging with the city officials.

Modern & future-proof

Modern, standardized App for infrastructure issue reporting.

Through standardisation and use in other cities, your cost is kept low - there is no need for a city specific standalone development.

We use cutting edge technologies. Safe and prepared for the future challenges.


Report infrastructure issues in your city with an easy app

We offer a solution for governments and municipalities in order to involve people in reporting issues with the city infrastructure (broken roads, litter, pests, non functioning street lights)

Report infrastructure issues
Highly customizable

Highly customizable for your city

Сhoose city boundaries where pins can be set, choose report categories relevant for your city

Set status of the reported issues (fixed / work in progression / not relevant)

Trafa offers a Task management solution as well for your maintenance teams, where you can directly assign the pins on the map.


Get your citizens to participate in the city improvement

Involve your city's population in infrastructure improvement and reporting. Offer your citizens a platform to discuss and address infrastructure issues directly affecting their lives.

Citywide Engagement

Involve your cities population in the infrastructure improvement and reporting

Civic Dialogue

Offer your citizens a solution to discuss the infrastructure issues in your city

Citizen Feedback

Self-moderated solution with likes/dislikes. You as a city can prioritise the hot topics.

Get your citizen to participate
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